A few months ago, I decided to conduct an informal survey. I’d begun thinking about the relationships between health literacy research and health care workers’ everyday practice. Since I often get to talk with physicians one-on-one, I decided to ask the next few physicians I encountered a simple question: When you hear the phrase ‘health […]
Health Literacy & Digital Health Literacy
Providers: your words may have more power than you realize
I was recently speaking with a woman who has Stage III ovarian cancer. We were talking about the language that gets used around cancer and other terminal diseases. She retold one conversation that stood out to her, because of her surgeon’s careful use of language: “He said, ‘Y’know it’s gonna get us in the end.’ […]
Infographic: 11 Health literacy tips for providers
October is Health Literacy Month, and we’re celebrating! We even brought you a present: a snazzy infographic. Health literacy is kind of a big deal (but you knew that already). Still, it seems there’s not too much talk about concrete, specific steps that providers can take – to do something about improving patients’ health literacy. […]
11 Health literacy tips for Providers
Health literacy is one of the hottest topics in health. And October is health literacy month. So this month, we’ll be featuring it around here. A nurse manager recently talked with me about a concern she had about patients’ health literacy. A few weeks earlier, she’d been preparing to see a patient. When looking at […]