I’m writing this on Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. What better time to think about, and thank, the people who have made this year delightful, and meaningful, at HCP. The last few months, we’ve begun interviewing health communication rockstars for “10 Minutes to Better Patient Communication.” I’m thankful to our guests for sharing their stories, […]
Health Communication
Samantha Cinnick on handling the challenges of team communication
The importance of successful team communication can’t be overstated–in clinical medicine or in public health. I recently interviewed Samantha Cinnick of the deBeaumont Foundation. An early career public health professional, Samantha handles tricky team communication, in complex, large-scale projects. Yet the challenges she faces aren’t confined to public health. In our interview, Samantha shares the story […]
Dr. Jane Shaw on end-of-life conversations in Veterinary Medicine
“Pets don’t live as long as people do.” With this simple truth, Dr. Jane Shaw introduced me to the realities of end-of-life conversations in Veterinary Medicine. She added, “For us, end of life communication and practice is core to being a vet.” I was lucky enough to interview Dr. Shaw recently for our podcast series. […]
Health Communication Partners turns 2: Highlights and surprises from our 2nd year
It’s the second anniversary of HealthCommunicationPartners.com. We’ve been celebrating in a few different ways, and today I wanted to write to you. This is because so much has happened in Year 2, thanks largely to you! So I want to share some highlights, some surprises…and some exciting announcements as we begin Year 3. Highlights Hearing your […]
Curious about your communication? 5 quick ways to self-assess
I’ve recently taught three classes about communication in healthcare. They were for different groups – physicians, clinical and clerical staff, and public health. Yet there was one consistent challenge across all participants: stopping to take a good, clear look at their own communication. Today, I thought I’d ask you a question I asked in my […]
Communication when the patient (or parent) is a provider
We’re celebrating the 2nd anniversary of HealthCommunicationPartners.com. One of the wonderful facets of my work is the people I get to meet. Recently, I interviewed Dr. Ann Ancona from Kent State University for 10 Minutes to Better Patient Communication. Dr. Ancona talked about a specific communication challenge she faces as a provider and an educator: […]