Thanks to you, we’ve made a significant podcasting achievement: 25,000 downloads. Thank you! So today I’m sharing some milestones on the way to 25K. We’re growing! Now you can hear 10 Minutes to Better Patient Communication here, as well as on Apple Pocasts, Spotify, Google Play and Stitcher Thank you for downloading, sharing, subscribing, and offering suggestions for […]
Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate
What topics would you like to see on Health Communication Partners in 2020?
Happy 2020, everyone! You know by now that with HCP, you can develop your own tool-box for communication and education. We’ve got you covered, with our Communication practice app Research-based articles Podcast series and Free Member Library. At New Year last year, I wrote Why I started Health Communication Partners. To boil it down, I am […]
Taking another look at implicit bias
Many of you read this site and tune in to our podcast series because you value reflective practice, thoughtful and intentional use of language, and reducing health disparities. You’re aware by now that health disparities are due to many factors that are man-made. And that one of them is implicit or unconscious bias. You probably […]
Interview w/Dr. Paul Ranelli about “Giving and gathering” information
Time is always a factor for health providers, and Pharmacists are no exception. When time is tight during the patient encounter, education can feel rushed, or rote. Yet when there’s little time, it’s especially important to be thoughtful and strategic about education. In an interview for “10 Minutes to Better Patient Communication,” Dr. Paul Ranelli […]
Curious about your communication? 5 quick ways to self-assess
I’ve recently taught three classes about communication in healthcare. They were for different groups – physicians, clinical and clerical staff, and public health. Yet there was one consistent challenge across all participants: stopping to take a good, clear look at their own communication. Today, I thought I’d ask you a question I asked in my […]
Multimodality and health literacy, in memory of Gunther Kress
As a confirmed health literacy fan, I’m glad for health professionals’ high level of awareness around health literacy. I am often asked some version of the question: what can we do better as a field to support patients in growing their health literacy? My goal in this short essay is to challenge the way you […]