[This post available as a podcast episode here.] I have heard “reflective practice” mentioned a few times, in the years I have been talking with physicians, medical educators, and public health professionals. Dr. Tasha Wyatt, of the Educational Innovation Institute at the Medical College of Georgia, explained to me: “Physicians are trained–very much so–to gather […]
Two things to remember before you educate your next patient
Today brings a close to a series I started a few months back, called 5 steps to improve your patient education. I promised to take a closer look at each of those 5 steps. So far I’ve written about eliciting patient background knowledge; how you handle your medical knowledge; being clear about your goals for […]
Providers, your language may have more power than you realize
Your words matter. Maybe more than you think. But why the piranha picture? Listen to find out. EPISODE TRANSCRIPT Hi. This is 10 minutes to better patient communication. I’m Dr. Anne Marie Liebel. I was recently speaking with a woman who has Stage III ovarian cancer. We were talking about the language that gets used […]
What does health literacy mean to you?
A few months ago, I decided to conduct an informal survey. I’d begun thinking about the relationships between health literacy research and health care workers’ everyday practice. Since I often get to talk with physicians one-on-one, I decided to ask the next few physicians I encountered a simple question: When you hear the phrase ‘health […]
Do your assessments measure what matters?
In this episode, you’ll learn a quick way you can increase the chances you’re assessing what matters when it comes to patient education. sample questions you can ask yourself and your next patient some exciting news about your use of medical metaphors! SHOW TRANSCRIPT Hi this is 10 minutes to better patient communication. I’m Dr. […]
10 Ways to communicate a complex idea during patient education
If you’ve got to explain something to a patient, how do you do it? If you have important information or complex ideas to share, how do you get it all across? This is another in my series on patient education. I’ve talked about getting clear on what you’re teaching and how you’re assessing; on patient […]