Since 2017, you’ve turned to HCP for equity-oriented support in communication and patient education. What helps make our approach unique is reflective practice.
Professionals across the health sector constantly reflect.
On what we do, what we take for granted, and how we can do better– in our communities, as professionals, as human beings. And how our organizations and institutions can be reexamined, and possibly transformed.
Health Communication Partners knows critical reflection is essential for meaningful action.
Our approach to reflective practice supports transformation. That’s why you trust HCP to help you move forward on some of today’s most pressing and deep-seated health issues.
Contact me and let’s talk about how HCP can help your organization.
For a taste of what we can do together, here are some of our most popular reflective practice resources. Exclusively from HCP.
12 Reflective practice prompts for health professionals
This is our most popular podcast episode, ever. Find out why.
An opening reflection for meetings in healthcare
I share a short passage about communication, appropriate for any meeting or audience. It invites us to see connections between words and thoughts, and consider their impact on our relationships and world.
Our first Reflective Practice Video: Prompts about health equity
What does health equity mean to you? Here’s 14 questions designed to help you understand more about what health equity means to you, in your context.
Are you communicating about vaccines? 4 reflective practice prompts
This ran when Covid vaccines first became available. I wonder what you think about it now.
Supporting reflection and action in the health sector
We don’t reflect just to reflect. We reflect in order to act. Here’s how we do it.