As you might expect, I often talk with providers about their patient communication, and sometimes those providers are physicians. As with any providers, physicians have their own reasons for seeking some communication support. For instance, one physician put it to me this way: “I do some of the right stuff you’re talking about, but I […]
Health Communication
Two structural concerns that can bog down interprofessional communication
I was talking recently to a health administrator about communication between different groups in the hospital system. He said, “Interdepartmental communication has been historically very difficult. There were different incentives that made working together something people didn’t want to do. If your department didn’t make the numbers, you’re in trouble, you’re the one out of […]
5 Tips to help your interprofessional communication
Over the last six weeks, four different health care professionals have asked me about interprofessional communication. Two were public health administrators, one was a medical educator, and one was a physician-administrator. All four were in different organizations. I don’t know why the sudden uptick. But I am taking notice, and taking this chance to share […]
3 Quick ways to improve your day-to-day patient communication
The providers I speak with know that communication is central to their ability to do their jobs well. They know how much patient education matters to outcomes, short-term and long term. They want to get through to every patient, not just some of them. I join my voice with those who make issues of patient communication and education central […]
One thought on health communication and chronic disease
“Well, like the food for instance, it wasn’t a very extensive list of what you could eat, it was very limited and most of the food I eat wasn’t on it…” (participant, Carolan Gill & Steele 2012) You can’t be in health communication and health literacy without hearing about chronic disease, non-communicable diseases, and disease […]
A communication problem that can derail your digital health tools
You know that clear communication between patient and providers is essential. It’s no different for digital health tools, such as apps, patient portals, devices, telehealth, and the most popular digital health tool, websites. Clear communication in and through digital health tools is complex in its own right. Based on a recent podcast with me and […]