In the last several years, health literacy has become the patient safety and quality issue that everyone is supposed to be paying attention to. The WHO is working on it, along with multiple federal agencies and professional organizations. Health communication researchers have been on it for decades now (way before it was cool). It has […]
Health literacy and health apps
Talking about health apps turns out to be a complex health communication issue, wrapped in another complex health communication issue. If you talk about, manage, or develop health apps, this episode is for you. You’ll get a quick glance at the field; why health literacy matters; and three things you can do to stay on […]
Why health literacy matters to your patient education
What does health literacy have to do with patient education? I’ve been asked this question many times over the years, directly and indirectly. The question itself makes sense. As providers, you want patients to have health information in a way that they can use. You want to share what you know, in a way that […]
First anniversary episode: Some health literacy basics
It’s the first anniversary of the “10 Minutes to Better Patient Communication” podcast series! We’re proud, and we’re grateful to you our listeners. We’re celebrating Health Literacy Month as well. If you’ve ever wondered what all the fuss is about when it comes to health literacy, this is for you. You’ll learn some of the […]
My single best piece of advice for health professionals
Recently, we celebrated the first anniversary here at the Health Communication Partners website. If you’ve been following along, you know that at HCP we believe in taking a resource perspective rather than deficit perspective. On everyone—providers and patients. We understand that health communication is a subset of everyday communication. We know everyone can learn (and […]
5 quick wins for your patient communication
Sometimes you just need a quick win. A panel I attended last week spent about 90 minutes really getting into the weeds of some serious issues around patient communication. Toward the end, the moderator turned to the panel and said, “Well, everyone wants a quick win.” He then put the panel members on the spot: […]