You know your stuff. This episode is about how you’re using your medical knowledge during patient education. Specifically, you’ll learn about one crucial shift you can make in your language to improve your patient education. EPISODE TRANSCRIPT Hi This is 10 minutes to better patient communication. I’m Dr. Anne Marie Liebel. In this series, I […]
2 ways to improve your medical metaphors
A physician was talking with me about an article I wrote on metaphors, a few months ago. He agreed it was a hot topic, and an important one to stop and take time to consider: “Metaphors and analogies are something we do casually, without much thought,” he said. “Sometimes the metaphor did not give the […]
Make this one change to improve your patient education
A while ago, I wrote a piece called 5 steps to improve your patient education. I promised I would gradually dig deeper into each of the 5 steps. Last month I dove into the topic of patients’ background knowledge and how it can help you. This time, it’s about your subject matter. Your medical knowledge. […]
Why talking about unconscious bias can make people nervous
Examining and addressing unconscious biases has become an important goal for many in the medical community. Everyone has it, and the consequences are significant. But addressing it is slow and difficult work. In this episode, you’ll learn: people’s personal fears around unconscious bias people’s concerns about organizations & institutions when it come to discussing unconscious […]
Infographic: 11 Health literacy tips for providers
October is Health Literacy Month, and we’re celebrating! We even brought you a present: a snazzy infographic. Health literacy is kind of a big deal (but you knew that already). Still, it seems there’s not too much talk about concrete, specific steps that providers can take – to do something about improving patients’ health literacy. […]
Why addressing unconscious bias can make people nervous
Last week I was in Baltimore, at the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare/Health Literacy Annual Research Conference. Every one of the keynote addresses discussed biases and stereotypes. Every one. (Biases and stereotypes was not the conference theme.) The importance of examining and addressing unconscious biases seems to be well understood in the research community. […]