Many physicians have talked with me about improving their patient education. This makes sense; it’s a topic tightly woven together with patient communication and health literacy. So, several months ago I wrote “5 steps to improve your patient education.” It’s a quick fly-over of many educational strategies. I promised I would gradually dive deeper into […]
Quickly assess your patient communication with this time-tested approach
The physicians who speak with me want to be more conscious of their language. They know communication is important, and they want to know more about how language works, so they can be better doctors. That’s often why they’re talking with me. Their questions take different forms: What do I need to know about communication […]
How to pivot when your patient education isn’t working
Sometimes, patient teaching just doesn’t go well. You’re doing what you can, but you can tell you’re not getting through. There is hope! In this episode, you’ll learn why you want to separate your plan from your goals how to pivot in the moment three steps that will shift a patient education that’s not going […]
How to pivot when your patient education isn’t working
This week, I’ll start with a scary story. The clock is ticking. The spotlight is on you. You’re the person everyone wants a part of. And you’re in the middle of educating a patient on a crucial topic. But it’s going nowhere. Crickets. “The strategy I’ve been recommending for years was not working.” “I was […]
How a small change in what you say can improve your patient education
You know your stuff. This episode is about how you’re using your medical knowledge during patient education. Specifically, you’ll learn about one crucial shift you can make in your language to improve your patient education. EPISODE TRANSCRIPT Hi This is 10 minutes to better patient communication. I’m Dr. Anne Marie Liebel. In this series, I […]
2 ways to improve your medical metaphors
A physician was talking with me about an article I wrote on metaphors, a few months ago. He agreed it was a hot topic, and an important one to stop and take time to consider: “Metaphors and analogies are something we do casually, without much thought,” he said. “Sometimes the metaphor did not give the […]