Digital Health Consulting

Improve Accessibility in Digital Health Tools

Digital health is a gamechanger. New tools can personalize health information and extend healthcare resources outside of traditional clinical settings.


However, communication obstacles remain.


For example, the content in digital health tools like apps, patient portals, devices, and websites is often written in a way that is inaccessible to most Americans.


Our approach to equitable communication helps lower barriers to access by locating and managing common communication obstacles that unintentionally limit accessibility in public-facing digital health tools.


Participants will:

• Evaluate digital health tools according to federal agency guidelines
• Improve communication to meet Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards
• Analyze and optimize existing processes based on implicit bias, federal agency health literacy guidelines, and adult learning principles
• Evaluate and improve programs based on multicultural communication and health literacy
• Develop or enhance brand standards for communication and health literacy


"Dr. Liebel pointed out that some of our images, words, and other ways of communicating with users were not showing ourselves as culturally- and geographically-focused. This was hard to hear, but important to note, so we could do what we wanted to do (and thought we were doing!)"

Dr. Carole Hutchinson

Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, administrator for

Who we serve

Our Courses + Action process is ideal for designers and purchasers of patient-facing digital health tools, including:

• Websites, Apps, Wearables & Devices
• Telehealth
• EHRs
• Digital health affiliates
• Health IT



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