Industry Consulting

Inclusive and Reponsive Solutions

"Many consultants had a formula we were expected to align to. Dr. Liebel was able to put her research and people skills together to provide us with some incredible learning, not just about the process, but about us as a company, and then guided us toward better outcomes.”

We support Human Resources; Organizational Development; Quality Improvement; and Learning & Development.


HCP has worked on Employee Engagement and Process Improvement with organizations ranging from startups, to mid-sized, rapidly evolving companies, to Fortune 100 brands.

Clients report:

  • Stronger connection, communication and trust among employees
  • Improved employee and client engagement
  • Faster and more confident problem solving
  • Enhanced collaboration
  • Improved client interactions, registration and attendance rates

"Dr. Liebel knows we need to think about communication in a way that involves everyone, that brings everyone in. This is a critical component."


“What we particularly appreciated about her approach was the lasting value Dr. Liebel was able to deliver to our organization–that we have the opportunity to carry forward in our journey on equity and equality in healthcare and health communications.”

Kelly Kelso, Karius Diagnostics

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Lots of research-based resources. No deficit perspectives.