Connect with BRIDGES

Expectations for communication are higher than ever.  We offer an innovative way to increase the effectiveness of your communication solutions.

BRIDGES is our continuous improvement process.  We evaluate your communications on seven research-based dimensions to help you make changes that have immediate impact.

Reach more people 

Reduce avoidable errors

Strengthen engagement, satisfaction, and experience


How BRIDGES can help you


Our approach utilizes cutting-edge research that provides our clients with results they can put to work right away. Our clients report that our services help them improve their attendance rates, registration numbers, site usage, and community partners' interest.


Reduce obstacles to meaningful communication. Where there may be disconnects, we dig in deep and help you prevent common errors.  Our services also increase our clients' communication knowledge, skills, and confidence.


You're proactive about communications. BRIDGES offers a sustainable way for your communication solutions to adjust to the unique aspects of different audiences and environments. You don't need to keep doing the same things the same way.


Continuous improvement helps you take your communication forward. We help you execute your mission, and identify areas for further exploration. Enhance your existing communication solutions in a way that's relevant and immediately useful.

What people say

"I was looking for ways to boost site engagement, improving the way we were communicating with our users. Your holistic approach to addressing patient communication is groundbreaking. It gets those of us in the medical community thinking in terms of bi-directional communications."

Dr. Carole Hutchinson Columbia University

“Your model is one that is engaging, where folks have a voice in shaping it and not the pontification training model. Folks want to be heard, they think deeply, and they desire deep context and to really understand things"

Christine M Test Double

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