Concrete ways to address bias in everyday practice

Implicit and unconscious bias contributes to health disparities

Learn how bias creeps into everyday language and ordinary policies

Based on decades of world-class research on bias, in a convenient format

  • 2 hours of audio

    Learn on the go, at your convenience

  • 60 page eBook

    Follow along with audio, or read at your own pace. With hyperlinks to resources.

  • Power Point Presentation

    Designed to encourage reflection

  • Dig deeper into what's most relevant to you

    Hyperlinked research and References list

  • Research-based tools and support

    World-class research in easy-to-access formats

  • Applicable across social and cultural groups

    Updated Individual- and systems-level thinking

Concrete steps you can take, starting now

Because bias can hide in plain sight

Research-based resources provide a stable grounding for this important work. 


Get your audiobook bundle
  • “The evidence that physician behavior and decision making may contribute to racial inequalities in health care is difficult to reconcile with the fact that most physicians are genuinely motivated to provide good care to all their patients.”
    Dr. Michelle van Ryn, PhD, MPH and Dr. Somnath Saha, MD, MPH
Addressing Implicit Bias Audiobook Bundle 2nd Edition

Class Sets Available

Institutional Copies Available

Specific actions and workable suggestions

Research-based, tested approaches

Research that takes a clear-headed look at bias

Everyone has bias. Implicit bias has been shown to contribute to health disparities.

There are subtle ways our everyday language can unintentionally disadvantage certain social or cultural groups.

Ordinary institutional policies and practices can unwittingly reflect bias.

Based in decades of research on bias in language, these materials share a commitment to health equity. 


The materials here will help you look at what you are already saying, in ways that will show you what you can do differently to be more effective.

No matter your specialization. No matter who you’re serving. 

This is not about adding one more thing to your already crowded day. It’s about improving what are you already saying and doing, with world-class research.

  • “Another manifestation of unconscious racism is akin to the slip of the tongue. One might call it a slip of the mind. While one says what one intends, one fails to grasp the racist implications of one’s benignly motivated words or behavior.”
    Charles R. Lawrence III "The id, the ego, and equal protection: reckoning with unconscious racism"